False dandelion

Common Name:

dandelion, false

Scientific Name:

Pyrrhopappus carolinianus






Annual or biennial rosette forming aster plant. Leaves lanceolate, glabrous or with large sparse hairs on upper surface. Leaves have sparse elongated teeth along leaf edges that can range from 1 cm to 5 cm. Leaves have a prominent white midrib. At flowering, plant produces and elongated stalk with multiple branches with an elongated and solitary inflorescences. Inflorescence a composite ray (outer) and disk (flowers). Corolla (petals) are normally a light to creamy yellow. Outer flowers have petals that come to a sharp point. Inner flower without petals. Inner flowers have a brown style and stigma with filament and anthers protruding through the stigma.


Also referred to as Carolina-false dandelion. Very common dandelion species throughout southeast U.S. More prevalent at higher mowing heights (>5 cm or 2 inches) and lower quality turf. Leaf shape and characteristics are variable and can be confused with Brazilian catsear dandelion (Hypochaeris brasiliensis). Leaves with toothed edges, often deeply divided is a key characteristic to distinguish.